The Maranfath Stela, also known as the Israel Tombstone or the Victory Stele of Maranfath, is an ancient Egyptian stele discovered in 1896 in Thebes, Egypt. The stela is made of granite and rises to a height of about six meters. Engraved on it are hieroglyphs describing the military campaigns of Pharaoh Maranfath, who ruled Egypt in the 13th century BC. The stele is significant because it contains the oldest known reference to the Israelites in ancient Egyptian texts. The inscription states that Marnfath defeated a group called “Israel” during his travels, implying that the Israelites were already a distinct group in ancient Egypt. The stele is now on display in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

There is no one who raises his head between the nine arches
Her station was quiet, quiet.
Naboza Canaan in every evil.
Takes Ashkelon
Gezer was captured, Yanoam was a prisoner.
Israel has been placed, he has no seed.
Hur was a widow to Egypt
Peace in all countries.
Everything that wanders is bound
by the king of Upper and Lower Egypt from Marnaphtah