Es Suwweida

Es Suwweida is a rectangular fortress (70 x 70 m.) located in Chen Forest, in between Zikhron Ya’akov and Amikam, in Manasseh Heights. The fort is surrounded by a wall and lies on top of an hill rising 161 m. above sea level, overlooking its environment. From this hill flows the stream of Snonit, a tributary of Nahal Taninim which flows into the sea near Tel Mevorakh In each of the four corners of the fortress, there’s a tower. Structures dated to the Iron Age have been identified as well.

The pottery sherds discovered at the site are dated to the Iron Age, Persian, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods.


“Es Suwweida” (Site 17) in Olami, Y, Sender, S and Oren, E. 2011. Map of Binyamina – 48 The Archeological Survey of Israel