
Bethsaida from 3,000 years ago and the alliance between David & King Geshur

Bethsaida from 3,000 years ago and the alliance between David & King Geshur

Absalom, the son of King David, returned to Jerusalem after three years of exile, which most likely he spent them here in Bethsaida, the capital of the kingdom of Geshur. This was after he killed Amnon, who was his brother from another mother, and let’s not forget that Absalom killed Amnon with the help of his soldiers after Amnon raped his sister, Tamar. King David did not want to see Absalom for four years since he returned from the kingdom of Geshur to Jerusalem. After four years, Absalom finally turned to Joab son of Tzruya, head of the army for king David, with a complaint as described in the 2nd book of Samuel chapter 14: he asked Joab – Why did I returned from Geshur? It was good for me there. He demanded to meet the king, while stating, that if he done something wrong than he should be executed. In light of the amazing landscape, the sources of water and the discoveries in Bethsaida, one can understand Absalom’s statement. Not only Bethsaida is located near the Sea of Galilee, it was also larger and more magnificent than Jerusalem of David’s time. From the excavations conducted here over the years, it can be concluded that Bethsaida was the capital of this kingdom. In this video I will focus on the history of Bethsaida, its location, the impressive city wall and gate, and the kingdom of Geshur with an emphasis on its relationship with the kingdoms of Judah and Israel until the Assyrian conquest of the area. For more information in English visit –… For more information in Hebrew visit –…